by Wolf01
A world of fantasy---you start off in a maze and work your way up to the sacred tower, beating up monsters as you go up. A great game for all!__ALPHA__ [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 3
Date added: Dec 20 2002
Last updated: Apr 16 2003
0 fans

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A world of fantasy---you start off in a maze and work your way up to the sacred tower, beating up monsters as you go up. A great game for all!

(4-16-03):SOLARIS has [once again] updated the game! Also, it was entered to BYONDscape solo-adventure contest!!! There is now another forum to go to [] (sorry about the 2 ads, for I will get a different domain soon...)

(3-18-03):SOLARIS has been updated! the monsters error has been fixed, the maze is almost complete, and there are grants for levels and power! Check it out now!!! <!-- Sorry about it being so short right now...

(1-14-03)<--!Note that the icons in the content banner that you saw earlier to enter are only the Admin GM icons, and for now you can't be one.
Sorry about that. I will fix that and announce in one the next few posts.