Scarey Game 3

by Wild Fire Entertainment
Scarey Game 3
Another sequel to the Scarey Game series that was originally started by WildBlood. With more creative ways to kill people you couldn't ask for a better continuation then this. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://WildFireEntertainment.ScareyGame3##version=69

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 6.9
Date added: Nov 12 2008
Last updated: Dec 16 2014
Last played: Sep 27 2021
120 fans

Waiting List

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About The GameThe idea for this game, map layout(or atleast, for now) and icons were originally designed by WildBlood of BYOND. However, the game(along with all of WildBlood's) hasn't seen an update in years. So, as fans of the game and programmers Air Bud and myself(Ss4toby) hope to continue the legendary series that is Scarey Game. I hope you enjoy, just as much as I hope this reminds you of the good o'l days in BYOND history. Also, for those of you who have been complaining. SG3 will eventually be it's own game. Until then please try not to be too cruel..

NewsAlpha version is now out! If ya see the game up and running give it a try. You will notice that Scarey Game 3's alpha version is almost exact(actually has more) to Scarey Game 2's current version. Download it, try it out, but most of all. Have fun!

Game Modes
  • Tricky Ghost Mode(Old) - This mode is considered a beginners favorite. Reason being is because once dead the ghosts are able to help alter the outcome of the round by pushing, pulling, and/or rotating objects.
  • Super Speed Mode(Old) - This mode basicly is best described as the "Anti-Door Trip Mode". Reason being is because it is only good for advoiding door trips.
  • Golden Plunger Gun Mode(Old) - In this mode each player recieves a Golden Plunger Gun. This is a gun that shoots an unlimited amount of plungers.
  • One Hit Wonder(Old) - This mode is very easy to explain. Resieve ANY damage and you die.
  • Death Match Mode(New) - In this mode each player is on their own. Last man standing wins, and of course winner is announced(hint hint Action Guild ^_^)
  • Three Of A Kind Mode(New) - In this mode each player recieves THREE lives. Pretty simple....

Login AlertHave you noticed that sometimes you will want to play the game however you will be the only one logged in? So you think to yourself, "Well, I'll just play another game and if someone joins I'll notice and we can start playing." However, this doesn't work out as planned. By the time you check back into the game it turns out several people have logged in and left again. So, what could you do? Well, I have added a little system that will make a door opening sound and cause the game to start flashing in your taskbar(if you arn't focused on the games window) when someone logs in. Hopefully this will help =)...

New MapWell, after months of talking about it, it has finally been done. The new country side map has been released. Come check it out(it comes with three new itmes).


Camtheman92: (Jul 31 2013, 1:40 pm)
i really wish i can play this game with some other people ;(
M.HASSEB: (Oct 27 2012, 8:59 pm)
Good game
Whybe: (Apr 21 2011, 10:38 am)
Nice game
Mastermen112: (Apr 15 2010, 5:31 pm)
usuk toby
Genesiz: (Apr 4 2009, 4:28 pm)
hmmm nobody joining :'(