IronDogs: Ascension

by WildBlood
IronDogs: Ascension
RTS Build and Conquor [More]
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DreamDownload byond://WildBlood.IronDogsAscension##version=1

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Version 1
Date added: Jul 18 2002
Last updated: Jul 16 2005
Last played: Jan 4 2017
25 fans

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The great war between the four factions is coming to a close.. The once proud Soul Panthers and the Evil Ebony Order have been blown clear off the face of the now scared planet, its time to end the war once and for all. Join with either Immortals or Blood Hawks 20 years after in a dying world, research new technology and nanolate more awesome units for sky, land or sea. Master the powerful warheads of the future to make your enemy a thing of the past! Welcome to the last installment of "Iron Dogs: Ascension"!

Thanks to Raven01 for the cool hub icon for this