Naruto: Ninjas United

by WeavileClaw
Naruto: Ninjas United
A new Naruto game, not a rip. Need people to make the game. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.1
Date added: Feb 22 2008
Last updated: Apr 13 2008
0 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Coder: None Yet
Iconer: None Yet
Mapper: None Yet
Forums: Neko Sakura(WeavileClaw)
GFX: Neko Sakura(WeavileClaw)
Host: None Yet

Main Owners: Neko Sakura(WeavileClaw)(and another one, the coder will be main owner)
Co-Owners: None Yet(whoever becomes Coder, Iconer, Mapper or Host will be a Co-Owner)
GM's: None Yet

I got very much ideas for a new Naruto game, just email [email protected] if u want to be coder iconer or mapper for a new, non rip game.
Apply for something at the forums!


Uzumaki Clan
Uchiha Clan
Inuzuka Clan
Yamanaka Clan
Medic Clan
Temari Clan
Jiroubou Clan
Sakon Clan
Kidoumaru Clan
Orochimaru Clan
Jiraiya Clan
Gaara Clan
Tayuya Clan
Nara Clan
Akimichi Clan
Lee Clan
Tenten Clan
Hyuuga Clan
Aburame Clan
Hatake Clan
Kisame Clan

Hope u people will help me making this game.

Contact us!
[email protected]