The Matrix: Jack In

by Warpedlittleman
The Matrix: Jack In
The original... most updated. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 14
Date added: Dec 4 2004
Last updated: Sep 22 2005
Last played: Jan 25 2006
2 fans

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Some guy, who thought he had the rights to delete this hub entry, and start his own Matrix Jack in game, doesn't hinder my wanting to complete this game. I have lost the banners and update information, and credits, i'll just list what i can remember
Warpedlittleman - Creator (left BYOND)
Murrawhip - Coder
Animeshell - Website/Forum designer
Chloscar - Icons/banners
All I can remember, sorry if you're supposed to be up there.
Version 14
-better clothing system
-got rid of agents and SWAT's
-Comm's on ship
-can't remember...oh well