Conquest RP Multiverse Saga

by WarHorse67
A Roleplaying Sandbox Inspired by several games of the past. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Sep 7 2024
Last updated: Yesterday
Last played: Yesterday
35 fans

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Welcome one and all to the new Conquest RP. This is an old Phoenix source that is constantly getting updates. I was able to grab this source from a couple friends whom I will mention in the Credits...

Main Coder/Programmer/Owners:

Warhorse67, Dalerawks

Head Admin/Co-Owner:

Nildsx and Unrivaled Token(UK)



Admin Team:

Rocket Raccoon, RpingWarrior

Shout Out to DatBoiNick and King Zelda for the Phoenix copy. Thanks to all those that have helped us get this far!!!