Final Resurrection

by Volkov911
Final Resurrection
Do you think you have what it takes to achieve the Final Resurrection? [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Feb 23 2005
Last updated: Oct 18 2011
Last played: Jun 5 2012
717 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Final Resurrection has posihed up its source to bring you the latest version. Enjoy!

Please check out the new BYOND game in development:

Undying Legacy

Current Final Resurrection Main Staff

Crimson - Todabb503(Head of Staff/Website)
Sean - Tridon(Moderation)
Ghost - Ghosttamer(Public Relations)

Please check the website for important announcements, and upcoming events.

Applications can be submitted on the forum.

The FR staff would like to thank the following people for their dedication to the game.

Valak(Supogo), for his support with the creation of the game - Retired MGM
Kell(Yam), for his encouragement and support with the creation of the game. - Retired MGM
Spectre(Soul Monger), for the unbelievable amount of hosting. - Retired MGM
Decius(Caino), for the use of his shell server and continueing support to the community. - Retired MGM
Gordon(Andersog), for his long-standing support and dedication to the community, and the long hours put in working on the game's graphics. - Retired Head Graphics
Cody(JediMasterCody), for his longstanding support to the community - Retired MGM
Seam(Seam), for his longstanding dedication in hosting for Final Resurrection - Retired GM
MechaCloud, for providing the login screen graphics.
Kaden(Wing Zero 666), for great suggestions, finding an incredible amount of bugs and being a general pain in the ass - Retired Head Moderator
Tseng(Cerebrus13), for great suggestions, finding an incredible amount of bugs and being a general pain in the ass - Retired MGM
Doc(D0ct0rtr03x), for great suggestions, finding an incredible amount of bugs and being a general pain in the ass - Retired GM
Rage(SSJMysticRage), for his long-standing support and dedication to the community - Retired MGM
Arius(BlackBirdOmega), for his incredible support to the game, and making the new graphics possible. Also provided FR with its own website and forum. - Retired Head of Staff, MGM, Webmaster and Graphics Artist.
SS4(Ethanharland), for the unbelievable amount of hosting - Moderator
Flynn(Flynn19), for his support with the creation of the game - Retired MGM
Balmung(Carnage-LV), for his dedication and support to the game and its community for a long time - Retired Head MGM
Purge(Gohanku), for his dedication and support to the game and his efforts in arranging a shell server for FR - Retired MGM