Dungeon Diver

by Vocal_nebula
A unique role-playing game brought to the BYOND Community. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Vocal_nebula.DungeonDiver##version=3

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Version 3
Date added: Mar 10 2012
Last updated: Jul 12 2012
8 fans

Waiting List

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Bug Fixes for Version 0.01 -

- Fixed some known issues with the fireball and turf clashing.

- Fixed a loading issue when characters weren't fully saved and produced an abundance of issues.

- Selecting now has now been incorporated with big enemies such as the "Skeleton King".

- The mini-map generator now doesn't lag once the map has been viewed once before.

- Other minor issues that aren't worth mentioning(Grammatical errors and other small cases of the sort.)

Version 0.01 -
- Sound effects and music incorporated.

- Mini-Map has been put in so navigating through the dungeon is a little bit easier.

- First dungeon is completely done.

- Gold and item drops incorporated after defeating monsters.

- Auto-targeting has been put in to reduce the hassle of clicking mobs to attack, but clicking is still optional.

- Settings tab to enable full screen, disable sound, and switch from click to double click and vice versa.

Credits -

F_Damage by Flick

OpenGameArt for multiple resources regarding the sounds.

Both Kunark and Shades for open-sourcing their project and giving me the inspiration to do something with it.

I am responsible for the design and programming of Dungeon Diver.

Feedback -

Any feedback would be very much appreciated. You can either comment on the forums, or email me/message me on MSN.

[email protected]


FIREking: (Nov 13 2012, 1:42 am)
Couldn't exit the "book" after I just had received the fireball.
DarkW0lf: (Aug 16 2012, 10:26 am)
i don't know what are you talking about
Vocal_nebula: (Aug 16 2012, 10:25 am)
Not according to your IP.
DarkW0lf: (Aug 16 2012, 10:24 am)
i only have one key <-----------
Vocal_nebula: (Aug 16 2012, 10:21 am)
Don't make me guess every single one of your keys..