Pokémon: Universe Network

by Vexxen
Pokémon: Universe Network
Original Pokémon game in development! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.141
Date added: Dec 5 2013
Last updated: Oct 16 2019
Last played: Feb 17 2019
173 fans

Waiting List

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 photo Untitled-1-4.png

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Development Team

Pokemonred200 (Programmer, Graphic/World Designer, Project Lead)
Vexxen (Admin, Graphic/World Designer, Sound)
Yucide (Graphic Designer, Moderator)
Harzar (Moderator)
Lugias Soul (Admin, Graphic Designer, Host)

MasterZhaizuti (link unknown? May have changed username.)
Nick Oleksaik
Edward McInnish
3D Pokemon GIFs obtained from PkParaiso

(Note: If your name is not shown here and your art/music have been included in this project, please let us know! There may have been cases where we forgot to place credits (with appropriate links) on this list.)

Forums: http://pkmnuniversenetwork.forumotion.ca/


Pokémon © 2002–2019 Pokémon. © 1995–2019 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. TM, ® and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.

Pokémon: Universe Network is in no way affliated with Nintendo, Gamefreak, or other official Pokémon company.

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Earned by Bill Jobs
Jun 14 2024, 7:02 pm

BYOND Member

Earned by Lucine
Oct 24 2022, 10:44 pm


Pokemonred200: (May 14 2016, 11:27 am)
TFW You forget that the server is set to public xD
Oh well, I guess everyone sees what goes on
There was a wipe BTW; there was a change in the internals I made to make everything easier to sort out but it fucked up the savefiles, sooooo....
Pokemonred200: (Nov 9 2014, 1:23 am)
Sypherial wrote:
316 MB download lol wtf

That may or may not be (in other words, it is) because of the over 50 frames each animation for most pokémon uses in their GIF animations... and all of the first four generations, plus some of the fifth and sixth generations, are programmed in with battle sprites.

Of course, there will be a second server without such massive GIFs that are replaced with 2D non-animated Gen-5 Style Pictures
Sypherial: (Nov 8 2014, 8:33 pm)
316 MB download lol wtf
Gen300: (Aug 29 2014, 10:54 am)
sigh everytime i get to the part when he done taling about pokemons inhabiting the world it stops responding
Pokemonred200: (Feb 18 2014, 7:15 pm)
Blue267 wrote:
it goes down when i was starting to like it T.T

Thanks for mentioning you like the game :)