Bleach Test

by Verdanix
Bleach Test
we have 23/7 host (1 hour cooldown)FAST LVLING!!! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: May 20 2007
Last updated: Apr 3 2008
Last played: Apr 3 2008
1 fan

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

-Updates version 2.00-
- GM island -open for free players *sigh*-
- jail Island in hell ofcourse
- guild item will cost 1.2 mill
- and more
-Staff needed-
we also ned iconers and coders
contact me at [email protected]
-Verdanix ( game owner-coder-iconer,Host )
-kid buu ( host not 24/7 )
-Gogeta ssj4 ( master enforcer )
-Freaking rules-
-no flaming
-no spamming
-no multikey this is direct ban
-keep it clean
-no asking for Gm
-no advertising
-no killing somone over 10 times in 10 minutes
-SERVER Downtime 4/07/07-
major crash happened i xpect the forum back up at 1:00 CEST (may happen some rollbacck)