DragonBall Gekiverse

by Vegetto7
DragonBall Gekiverse
Inspired by Dragonball Gekisen, Epic Universe, & Xenoverse [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 7
Date added: Sep 4 2020
Last updated: Aug 8 2021
Last played: Jun 15
87 fans

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Welcome to Dragonball Gekiverse, this one is for fans of the Dragonball series or anime in general, we have elements from both Bleach and Naruto as well, more anime will be included as the original story is complete. Also for those who remembers games like Dragonball Zeta 2 a new age/Gekisen or those who remember Dragonball Epic Universe/Shuurajou.

*Thank you to Icon Share and all of its creators for providing a lot of the icons used here*

Currently we are using an Expanded version of the Zeta map, but it will be changed more as development continues (side note I'm a one man team)

This thing is chocked full of features, Boss fights that occur every hour, Random Full Moons for saiyans. Equipment systems, Pets, Gravity weighted training, Story mode(WIP)

You may have noticed the weird name of the game. Gekiverse, the inspiration for the name came from Dragonball Gekisen a byond classic, and Dragonball Xenoverse a favorite game of mine, by completion Gekiverse will be a perfect blend of Gekisen and Xenoverse for all of byond to enjoy
Please leave opinions or recommendations in the Hub Discussions, I want to grow together

-Slight map/icon changes for better appearance
-No longer have to speak to kinjin at death
-Hopefully fixed the rare "stuck in wall" bug(contact me if not, use Focus/Kaioken to cause death if I'm not available)
-Increased the gain from gravity weighted locations(King Kai, Hell, Supreme Kai, Hyper Bolic Time Chamber)
-The effectiveness of using gravity with other training equipment has also had a buff
-You will now have to stand directly on an item to "Get" it, this combined with "no walkover timer" for anyone who isn't the monster killer will prevent any possible loot theft
-----Oct.1 2020
-Changed the hub page graphics from the original more temporary graphic to this more longer term one
-Increased the gain from regular gym equipment at the request of players, Monster hunting will always remain the best way to train, but gym training is always meant to be usable no matter your current power
-----Oct.8 2020
-Small update anything that spawns in, teachers, or story mode bosses now have a 4 minute timer before the mob deletes it self. This prevent over crowding and difficulty progressing (Current Download Version)
-----Oct.24 2020
-This update is in an effort to combat power creep, after reaching 75M powerlevel you will have a lower gain from training equipment, but monsters will still provide the same gain
-----Nov.7 2020
-Spirit bomb temporarily removed because of a crash that it causes
-Starting new years Saiyans will be removed temporarily to encourage the use of other races, this will last maybe 2-3 months into the update before they are reintroduced
-----March.2 2021
-Just getting back into coding after a computer crash(luckily the code was backed up)
-1 more chapter of story mode has been added "Power x10! Vegeta Transforms" hopefully I will be able to crank out the other chapters faster now
-Today also marks the return of the saiyans. Saiyans and Halfbreeds are now playable again. Will you try a pure blood and aim for Super Saiyan Blue/Rose or a Halfbreed and obtain Super Saiyan 4
-----August.8 2021
-Small update, added a new skill, Warframe players will recognize this one, "Mend & Maim" It can either heal you and your pet in mend mode, or deal 3x damage in maim mode. This is a small scale channeled aoe than can be learned from piccolo at 500,000 Max Powerlevel. You can change between mend and main with the "Set Mend & Maim" button under "Communication"