
by VcentG
*Last Update 10/17/2023* A Bleach MORPG loosely based on the popular anime and manga, with RPG elements and a content added all the time! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 3.6
Date added: Feb 17 2005
Last updated: Oct 18 2023
Last played: Feb 20 2024
4553 fans

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Welcome to Bleach by VcentG. This is a 2D Bleach inspired RPG with advanced mechanics, combat and an entire arsenal of classes.

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Update 3.5

World PvP - Once you join a faction, PvP is open at all times. Be careful out there.

New Macro System - Allows for repeating macros, changing movement keys, etc.

New Leveling Design - No longer do you have to train by spamming skills into space like old DBZ training dummies, you allocate stats through spending experience. Like Dark Souls.

Soul Shards - New equipment dropped randomly from enemies around your level. They offer various bonuses and can be upgraded to offer further benefits. As they grow they will gain other stats on top of the main stat they offer.

Rebirth System - You can now level up to the cap and Rebirth, which will reset your levels and stats but offer a higher level cap for you to climb to, and bonus exp to get there faster.

World Bosses - World bosses have been buffed to offer a more challenging threat to those that dare fight them.

Segunda - All Arrancar now unlock Segunda even if there is no special form yet for them. They will receive stronger abilities.

Daily Tickets - If you want to get cosmetics and emotes in the game, you now gain tickets for logging in daily.


VcentG: (Oct 18 2023, 11:58 am)
Interesting... XD
Tgyhu8: (Sep 3 2023, 7:40 am)
dead game that wont be updated owner is too busy jerking off in the discord about starfield
Caros1992: (Apr 15 2022, 10:22 pm)
yo wait this games still around? i remember playing it like 15 years ago. this is cool to see
Naruto025: (Jul 31 2021, 9:27 pm)
<3 Hope all has been well Vincent :)
Joakinpokin: (Aug 24 2017, 4:25 pm)
Any info about the server being down V.?
It would be great to have the old playerbase but even if we don't I hope you keep up working or hosting this. ^^ Ty.