
by Varian
Try not to fall off... [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.0
Date added: Apr 16 2006
Last updated: Apr 17 2006
0 fans

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Jumper is a side-scrolling game where you have to jump from turf to turf. Each level gets harder and harder. As you move further into the game you will have to overcome many obstacles. Prizes are given out during the game for completing certain levels. Try and beat the entire game to win a special reward...but winning is not likely.


Audeuro - For helping with a nasty runtime error
Unknown Person - Temporarily using his player icon from his All About Icons Demo
Kunark - Temporarily using his wall icon from one of his demos (forget which one, sorry)
AbyssDragon - Temporarily using his water icon from his AbyssTiles library.