Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness

by Vampirism96
Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness
Welcome to PSD! Join us, where you can take gym challenges, capture, train, and trade your pokemon, we will even add quests soon. Constantly updating. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Vampirism96.PSD##version=209

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Version 2.09
Date added: Jun 9 2009
Last updated: Jun 18 2012
Last played: Feb 22
930 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome to Welcome to Pokemon Shadows of Darkness!


Owner: Ruki-sama
Right Hand Man: Jack-kun
Left Hand Man: Smurf
That Other Guy: Riktuun
Global GMs: Hideki/Alastor and Chanstopher



1. Don't log in to talk crap about our game.
2. No excessive swearing or caps.
3. No racist comments.
4. Do not abuse bugs, report them to an Admin once found.
5. No advertising.
6. No excessively killing other players pokemon.
7. No arguing in world-say. Keep it in view or out of our game.
8. No Multi-keying.
9. No Randomly Trading. Unless you have spoken with someone and both agreed to trade, don't trade.
10. No trading bred pokemon.

Special Thanks!

Flick - F_damage system
SuperAntx - Macro Movement system

Recent Medals

I've played PSD!

Earned by Irgod
Mar 15, 2:44 pm

I've played PSD!

Earned by Kaikoe
Feb 22, 11:31 am


Reyshock: (May 11 2017, 5:18 pm)
I will be hosting! I tested and server works fine, PM if you want to join. Also cheerios I would sent you a message a while back just in case you havent seen it.
Cheerios: (Jan 25 2016, 7:35 pm)
Vamp , you gave me this a long time ago, I don't see why you'de just shut down the game if I didn't do something for you?

Personally it's taken forever to get what i wanted done with this game :/ People beg me for the source even YOU left me with.

Mangekyou, You need to simmer down.

I AM still looking for someone trustworthy to program, Seeing as I just get taught how to do what i wanted at the time by friends or people in the past who've moved onto console game developement.

If anyone would like to help me fill the void, I don't want anyone Ill-experienced, Or a child looking to get a quick source, Serious people need only apply.
Doniu: (Nov 1 2015, 5:21 am)
Hello, I host this game 24/7.
Fan Doniu Host:

And me here:

Also, this is hub for Doniu Host: (in alpha test, still not even read, but in future it will lunch)

If you got any questions, want something from me - PM :-}
*If somone would like to adversite my hosting - feel free to do it.
** Owner of this game/program, you have done a good job.
Vampirism96: (Jun 3 2015, 4:14 pm)
I have no idea who Teh-blender-sox is jsyk
Lildre970: (Mar 28 2015, 7:36 pm)
Teh-blender-sox wrote:
Really Mang? How are you gunna advertise on my Hub like that? <.< Like lol let me go do it to you >/

Hey man, Is there any way you can still contact vamp?
I'm an old friend from 2009, see if he remembers me please?