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DragonBall: Infinite Powers |
A new Dragonball z game looking for a perm host tons of fun and we have great gms! [More] |
Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. 1. No complaining About the lag, The leveling system or anything else. 2. Respect everyone that enters that game if you dont you will be booted than IP Banned we will not tolerate disrespectful people in our game! 3. Alright people we can not stress this enough when you ask for game moderator position when there is a forum. Your request will be denied and you will be booted from the game. 4. Do not act like a moron! We will mute you and than boot your moronic ass out of t he game, We will not accept people acting like morons in the game. 5. If you found a bug just report it on the forums not the game, It disrupts the game and annoys the hell out of the game moderators when you say "GM!" "GM! I FOUND BUG." Oh yay you found a bug report it on the forum! YAY! That's why it was made for. 6. NO MA links. This means if you link anything that is adult content in or on any part of game, forums, or byond YOU WILL BE INSTANTLY BANNED FOREVER. 7. NO SPAM of ANY KIND.(this Includes Spirit Bomb or other tech's or Chat spamming.)= INSTANT IPBAN. 8. No advertising any other games = IPBAN. 9. NO BUG ABUSE. If you find a bug report it, do not abuse it or you will lose your save file! 10. If you see another player breaking a rule do not take it into your hands this could cause a fight please post it on the fourm(screen shot/convo etc) or get a trustworthy GM attention. 11. IF YOU ARE HAVING A PROBLEM WITH A MOD,ADMIN,GM PLEASE REPORT IT IN FORUM (this includes a mod/gm/admin power abusing or using the death verb just becaused you killed them) 12. ONLY OWNERS MAKE RULES IF THERE IS A RULE A GM/MOD/ADMIN IS TRYING TO ENFORCE ON YOU PLEASE SEE A OWNER TO FIND OUT IF IT IS A RULE OR NOT (We apologize for this due to the fact the hub cannot be updated on a daily bases) 13. DO NOT GYM KILL THIS IS A SAFE PLACE FOR STARTER'S TO TRAIN YOU ARE ALLOW'D TO KILL SOMEONE TRAINING OUTSIDE NOT IN GYM'S! 14. NO POD TRAINING YOU MAY TRAIN AND USE THE POD TO HEAL UR STAMINA BUT DO NOT SELF TRAIN IN A POD THIS IS A AUTO IP BAN FOREVER!! GM RULES! 1. No summoning NPCs. 2. No forceing any rules on players other then ones listed above. 3. No using GM teleport or summon to PK. 4. No banning or jailing just because someone PKed you. 5. YOU WILL DO YOUR JOB. Failure to act can and will cost you your position. 6. If you do not come on atlest once every other day you could loose your JOB!!! 7. NEVER BACK TALK A OWNER THIS RESULTS IN WARNINGS AND COULD LEAD TO DE-MOTION BACK TO A PLAYER OR BAN!!! 8. NEW RULES COULD BE ADDED DAILY JUST BECAUSE ITS NOT ON THE HUB DOSNT MEAN ITS NOT A RULE ASK OWNERS FOR UPDATED LIST OF RULES!(We apologize for this due to the fact the hub cannot be updated on a daily bases) 9. NO EDITING!!! IF I FIND YOU'VE EDIT IN THE LOG'S I WILL BAN YOU FOREVER!. YOU CAN REACH ME OR MY FELLOW OWNER AT THE FOLLOWING Vampire_Angel- AIM: Unwritten Poemz MSN: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Blue Fusion- Aim: I d0nt know l0l Msn: [email protected] Email: [email protected] THE FOLLOWING ARE STAFF KEY'S OWNER'S - Vampire_Angel, Blue Fusion Level 1 Trial enforcer = Mike94 *Others Open* level 2 Low Enforcer = *Open* level 3 Medium enfocer = *open* level 4 High enforcer = killer9000 *Others Open* level 5 Master enforcer = *Open* 6 Staff Counsil Member = Alexis_No_Hikari YOU WILL START AS A LEVEL ONE GM AND IF A OWNER SEE'S YOU FIT YOU SHALL MOVE TO THE NEXT LEVEL AND SO ON.. |
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