Slow Country

by Vamp_-_Clock
Slow Country
The sun has set for the last time. Animals and Psycotic men are attacking for food. You and the other sain must survive in this good fusion of a building and a fighting game. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Aug 3 2003
Last updated: Aug 5 2003
0 fans

Waiting List

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Version: 0.01
Game: Pre-Pre-Alpha
Battle system: Complete
Hunger system: Complete
Level/Stats system: Complete
Building system: 10%
Magic system: 5%
Music and Sound: 0%
Smithing system: 0%
Landlord system: 0%

I will give free level 2 subscription for life to the first person who can give me a good midi of Slow Country by Gorillaz.