Naruto Kage wars

by Uzaki Namegoshi
Naruto Kage wars
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Currently Unavailable

Version byond://
Date added: Aug 11 2011
Last updated: Oct 27 2011
4 fans

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981014: (Dec 27 2011, 3:05 am)
The Old NGG Is Back Here In Byond Hub 981014.NNGNarutoNextGeneration?tab=index

New updates New system Nice Gm's
Hope You Like It!

Tarundbz and I is making the 3rth best NNG Game In Byond !
Darkchrispee: (Oct 1 2011, 2:42 pm)
ask me it the host file went your ready I make the game for Uzaki Namegoshi and if I done fixing it I can put the post file to host it but Uzaki Namegoshi have to tell me his password so I can go in to it and done fix it so it can host the is only 3 village is in it and we need a good icon and code I will map I map my naruto game the link is Darkchrispee.NarutoKageAnbu , DragonBallZHeroesUnited3 , , and
Nic4432: (Sep 5 2011, 2:27 pm)
i can hoste it
Uzaki Namegoshi: (Aug 12 2011, 10:25 am)
how do we host it now