Tsfreaks wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
Zaltron wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
Nailed it real good
Better try harder next time. :)
Oh, I will.
'ficially nailed it real good 'gain.
heh... you guys would tell me... if you found exploits... right?
Yea' I would. I di'n't cheat, though; I got 'bout 1000 my first try, then on my secon' I got a lil' higher. After 'bout ten minutes, I got my 1750. T'day, it took 'bout 20 minutes of doing really well and then sucking (would get no misses up to about 500 points, then fail to hit one for the remainder of the game).
Right on. :)
.configure delay