Donation Boosts.
5-50$-Rankers boost 3
51-100$-Rankers boost 2
101 and up-Rankers boost 1

†Staff Members†
Owners: Nikorayu, GokuDeath, Mattbrumbley
Co-Owners: Lilbenny5, DragonGoku20
Mods: Kyubikitsune, Badass Overlord
Security: Jam Jam111, Tryhorn
Hub Creator: TriSin

†Game Officials†
Coder: GokuDeath
Iconner: Badass Overlord
Mapper: Mattbrumbley
Host: Mattbrumbley

†Player Rules†
1.No afk training. If you are caught 5 times you will be p-wiped, if you are caught 10 times you will be banned.
2.English in OOC.
3.No racist, sexist, or sexual comments.
4.If a gm says not to do something, DON'T do it.
5.No breaking in to peoples houses. Gm's will punish you how they see fit.
6.No cusing, we are trying to make this a friendly game.
7.Do not ask for ap, gm, or anything else you have to earn.
8.No killing players who are still students.
9.Respect the gms, I know there might be some times that seem like something
they do is unfair, but please don't freak out.
10.No Multikeying.
†Security/Moderator Rules.†
1.Follow Player Rules
2.No Edits
3.No banning without a good reason
4.No booting for no reason.
5.No holding events without owner/co-owner permission
6.No handing out free ranks.
7.No creating Log3's for yourself or anyone else.
8.No giving out any sword or cloth item.
9.No holding events for longer then an hour.(Unless Owner/Co-owner Supervised)
10.No abusing your staff verbs.

No free ranks!
Genin: Pass Genin Exam!
Chuunin: Get Genin and Level 6000!
Jounin: Get Chuunin and Level 10000!
Hunter-Nin: Get Jounin and Level 20000 and a hidden amount of kills!
ANBU: Your Kage's Requirement!
Sannin: Your Kage's Requirement!
Kage: Level 50,000 and Jounin!
Head Kage: Level 80,000 and Kage!
Org Leader: Level 30,000!
Org Member: Chosen by the leader!
Missing: Leave your village.

Hokage: Kakashi Hatake(Badass Overlord)
Kazekage: Kunty
Mizukage: Tyax
Grass Feudal Lord: Madara Uchiha(Mattbrumbley)
Raikage: Arakuru(Crdmstr)
Yamikage: Laughing Ninja(Yorugairo)
Waterfall Hero:

Akatsuki Leader: Uchiha, Izuna(GokuDeath)
Akatsuki Co-Leader: Uchiha, Madara(Mattbrumbley)

SSM Leader: Kyatsu(Tryhorn)
SSM Co-Leader:

Hebi Leader: Uchiha,Sasuke(Lilbenny5)
Hebi Co-Leader:

Assassin Leader:
Assassin Co-Leader:

Org 13 Leader:
Org 13 Co-Leader:

Sage Leader:
Shadow Leader:

Sound Org. Leader: Tay Hailstorm(Tommiec21)
Sound Org. Co-Leader:
Remember TriSin Is Epic.