The Folly of the Deities

by Tradidious

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.0
Date added: Oct 23 2017
Last updated: Jan 17 2021
Last played: Jan 17 2021
7 fans

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The deities have ruled for all of existence. The leader of the Deities called Paradox has become corrupted and began to plague the world. The plague had nearly wiped out the world and left the in shambles. Paradox had also in his quest for power had slain his brethren. He replaced their godly roles with his own people. With the new deities instated the world is plunged even further into chaos. That was until 9 hero's made an adventure to Xeno's to over throw Paradox and the other corrupted gods. With their succession the replaced Paradox and the other 8 corrupted gods as gods and goddesses themselves.With them as the new gods the world has returned to bliss and a new warrior way has risen. With the old lore lost and old places hidden. Only one village remains from the old times.