Naruto GOJ

by Tobi3308
New goj owner [More]

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Latest Version
Date added: Aug 12 2009
Last updated: Aug 13 2009
Last played: Aug 29 2009
0 fans

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New goj owner


Bloo Thang: (Mar 26 2015, 8:14 pm)
Good times.
Murowko: (Mar 29 2013, 2:19 pm)
Good times.
Dakumonki: (Nov 7 2012, 5:08 am)
Good times.
Daimondxz: (Nov 15 2010, 3:07 pm)
Good times.
ShadowKnight06: (Sep 6 2009, 3:45 am)
Any way possible that I can help? lol

I was thinking to see if I could get the source as well, I was planning on getting the source and changing it completely...with a new training system. I would try to explain it but it would not only be hard to explain, it will be a really long, maybe 3 long paragraph...COLLEGE STYLE lol