Cards BYOND Humanity

by The_Zergling
A BYOND version of the ever-popular game Cards Against Humanity! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://The_Zergling.CardsBYONDHumanity##version=1

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.0.0a
Date added: Jan 6 2014
Last updated: Jan 7 2014
Last played: Jun 2 2024
80 fans

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To fully understand this game is.. well... Impossible!

The only thing we have to fear is ....
... Shaq's Acting Career?


Only 2 things are certain in this world ...
... Apples and Horseshoes?

It can be anything!

Cards BYOND Humanity is a BYOND rendition of the game Cards Against Humanity - A popular game that will have you questioning the sanity of your friends, and yourself!

The gameplay is simple:
One player each round draws and shows a black card. Each other player then places a white card from their hand to finish the phrase/question displayed on the black card.
The first player then picks the one they like the best!

So go ahead!
Make a joke!

Be intuitive!

Be Creative!


Have some cardpacks - On Us!

Basic Starter Pack [18+ Contains Adult Themes!] [[Download - 30.2kb]]

[[Extra Goodies]]
Card Pack Creator:
[Download - 7.88kb]
Use this tool to create your own BYOND Cards file to share and play with friends!

This game follows under the allowed license of the original game for which it is based. More information on this can be found on the official Cards Against Humanity website,

This game is not responsible for any user-generated cardpacks used. I do not claim any responsibility for offensive content in any of the packs provided on this hub page, nor do I claim any responsibility for the user-generated card packs used in the game.