Deluxe Calculator

by The Conjuror
Deluxe Calculator
DC v1.3 makes math homework a cinch any day! [More]

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Version 6
Date added: Aug 22 2004
Last updated: Aug 26 2004
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Deluxe Calculator version : 1.3


Function 1
- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
- Power
- Average
- Square Root

Function 2
- Area of square, triangle, rectangle, parallelogram
- Perimeter of any shape (no curves)
- Circumference (Able to edit pi, some think it's 3, some 3.14, so you can choose)

Function 3
- Convert Units
- Convert Fractions

The Breakdown

Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing are pretty self explanatory, they do just what they say, simply enter the first and second numbers and the answer shall appear

Power, another very easy to use function. Much like multiplication, first enter the number that will be being powered, and then enter the power.
Example: First number: 5 Second Number: 2 Answer: 5 to the power of 2 = 25

Average is also pretty simple, first, set how many sets of numbers there are, then enter the values of the numbers, and the average will be shown.
Example: -Box 1:[How many numbers?] -Usr: [10]
then follow the instructions given

Square rooting is fairly easy, just enter the number to be rooted and the square root of it will show up
Example: 25, square root = 5

To use the find area function, first enter the amount of sides, then the lengths of each side.

Perimieter is much the same, enter the amount of sides, then the lengths, and once again the answer will appear.

To calculate circumference, enter the diameter of the circle and wait for the answer to appear, the amount of which circumference equals can be changed since some people believe it equals exactly 3, others think it equals 3.14, there are many beliefs. If you want it set back to its default, 3.14, just go to the settings tab and click Reset Pi.

In the final function, there are two very useful commands. The first is Convert Unit. Basically what this system does is takes any amount and it's unit, and converts it to the unit wished.
Example: In the first box, enter 100, in the second box, enter cm, and in the third, enter m, 1m will show up on screen. The converter works with the metric system, I may get around to adding in the other system(s) but don't count on it. Units accepted are mm, cm, m, and km. No dm.

The other function, Convert Fraction, has the ability to convert fractions to decimal form with the click of a button. Simply enter the numerator and denomenator, and the decimal shall appear.


First and for most, don't host calculator. If you do the variables will get cross referenced and the answeres will be jumbled up, this is mainly because the variables are world variables, not owned by any one mob. Please don't host. If you do, be prepared to accept the risks.

As I further my education through high school (I'm only a freshman, first year) I'll add more things, trigonometry would be a good add on in a few opinions I've gotten, so I'll look into that as much as possible. Until then, enjoy the system, any comments and/or questions/suggestions, email me at [email protected]. Thanks!