Pokemon Citrine Reborn

by Tenes
Pokemon Citrine Reborn
The Rebirth of Pokemon Citrine [More]
Latest Version
Date added: Jun 22 2015
Last updated: Jan 18 2022
42 fans

1 Game Live! [Beta: ShowHide webclient]

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond://BYOND.world.2008746413 [Open Testing]

No players.
A Pokemon Game, originally built by my wonderful friend Fint. Due to him moving on with his life he has entrusted me with every last bit of the game files, meaning I can once again edit and work on the game as a whole. As a such, let us all pay tribute to Fint for bringing this game to fruition.

Pokemon Citrine focuses on the first 251 Pokemon, with no current plans to go beyond them. It follows closely to how the Gold/Silver game played, graphically and playing, with actual battle screen fights, PVP, Capturing Pokemon, IV's, EV's, breeding, and fun. Released Region: Kanto, Pokemon League. Planned Regions: Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn.

Please visit the Website for Bug Information, Update Information, and General Questions.
Latest Version
Date added: Jun 22 2015
Last updated: Jan 18 2022
42 fans


Carleytoc: (Apr 23 2024, 1:46 pm)
XSky RiderX: (Apr 24 2023, 10:47 pm)
Citrine Discord Server: https://discord.gg/nBPaK2TQzX
Naptowndre: (Feb 11 2016, 2:06 am)
Fint will be missed! Tenes, have you been working on it!?
MrChad: (Feb 5 2016, 1:42 pm)
Baralai here. Can't wait to play it, hopefully you haven't forgot about it.
Vegiten: (Jun 26 2015, 9:46 am)
Wow dude, it's a great game! Good luck with it!!!