Angel Falls

by Teka123
Angel Falls
Fantasy, RPG, Adventure:-Beta - Download available. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Teka123.AngelFalls##version=11

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.1.5
Date added: Dec 23 2011
Last updated: Nov 2 2020
Last played: Feb 23
825 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

Waiting List

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This is a Game.

Immerse yourself into the realm of humour, adventure and revolution.
Unmask the truth, unravel the mystery and discover who you really are.
Simplistic art.
Hidden Chests, Items, Areas - all for the Adventurers.
Many hidden and obvious references.
Interwoven RPG storyline.
Four classes: Druid, Warrior, Thief, Mage (Class can advance into a second stage)
Alignment system(being added).
Hot Slot system for skills and items(like potions)
Portal System.
Choice for PVP after level 15.
Fishing system
Lots more to come..

Falacy / Ganing / Megablaze / GreatFisher / King-Manga-Man / Others

Recent Medals


Earned by Eternal Muerto
Feb 26, 10:06 am


Earned by Trinx
Feb 26, 3:03 am


M6qllp9M: (Jul 10 2016, 10:46 am)
Is it ever hosted?
Glyth: (Jun 25 2015, 12:25 am)
how i be a admin on my own server stead of just a mod?
Ss4gogeta0: (Jun 4 2015, 8:56 am)

Teka is the devil ;)
Mikardis16: (May 18 2014, 6:42 pm)
I was just kinda "eh" when I played it on the first server I saw that was online. I decided to host it myself and I'm online 10 minutes in, but I think I have fallen in love. This is a fun game so far!
Genesismagician: (Apr 23 2014, 3:59 pm)
Not sure if it's worth it or not, but I'll host this for a while. I have an unused shell so I don't mind putting it to use for this.