Quest of Armageddon

by Tamaka-san
Quest of Armageddon
Quest of Armageddon - Epic Role Playing Game placed in the 900`s on a different world. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 3
Date added: Jan 24 2002
Last updated: Jan 27 2002
0 fans

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Quest of Armageddon. A very bright world, millions of vibes of good looks to cities, people always so jolly...happy, as some would say. Until a day, when they all saw a dark flash fly over the world...Many died...Many cities burnt................. Join Quest of Armageddon soon! If you test in the alpha stages, and discuss of the upcomeing stuff, you could very well become a better rank! So, join now!
Current Feautures:
o A nice, clean, non-buggy interface.
o Beautiful world.
o Easy-to-use chat commands.
o More to come!