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Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Welcome To Naruto-Shippuden-Stories!!! Owners: Ty180 Owners: Jake1313 Owners: Zoloslayer1 Co-Owner: Gavin2135 Admins: Open Enforcers:Open ~Rules~ (These rules also go for GMs) 1.No Spamming no matter what. 2.Do not Complain about not getting a rank you wanted i dont care how long you wait if you deserve it youll get it. 3.If you advertise it will be a ban and you will eventually be host banned. 4.Do not keep asking for ranks. 5. No Multiclaning, If Cuaght You will be Banned 6.Keep Language to a Minimal( Remeber Kids Play These Games) ~Gm Rules~ 1. Do not Edit Anything unless you are told to if you do your GM will be TAKEN!!!! 2. Do Not Abuse Your Verbs at any time, Only use When Need Be 3. GM's Get One Chance You Mess Up, Bye Bye Powers! Aburame Akimichi Anko Asuma(Under Construction) Deidara Ebisu Gaara Haku Hatake Hidan Hyuuga Inuzuka Jiraya Kaguya Kamizuri Kidomaru Kisame Kugutsu Kurenai Lee Medic Momochi Namikaze Nara Nidaime Orochimaru Pein Raiga Sarutobi Shodaime Temari Tenten Uchiha Uzumaki Zetsu Kages: Hokage - Kazekage - Otokage - Raikage - Tsuchikage - Mizukage - Waterfall Hero - Fumakage- Rain Feudal Lord - Snow Fuedal Lord - Darkkage - MoonKage - Starkage - Sunkage - Org Leaders: Sound Organiztion Leader - 7swordsmen leader - Team Hawk Leader - ORG XIII - Police Leader - Akatsuki Leader - ANBUleader - |
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