Dragonball Grand Journey II

by SyncWolf Productions
Dragonball Grand Journey II
Dragonball Grand Journey, remake from scratch [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.0.3 Beta
Date added: May 1 2007
Last updated: May 4 2007
Last played: May 24 2007
2 fans

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Remake of one of the best Dragonball games ever made, Dragonball Grand Journey!


Currently still in Beta testing;
- 24 Characters and 3 Henchmen classes
- 4 Saga's and optional freemode
- 4 Area's to travel to
- Earth Dragonballs
- Namek Dragonballs
- Several NPC's inhabiting the planets
- Disabled html in say and scouter talk
- Seperated OOC menu
- 4 attacking skills and a ki blast
- Working Ban system
- Working GM system
- New Death & KO system