Pokemon Spirit

by Swift_falcon240
Pokemon Spirit
Pokemon Spirt- Game Pretty much dead... Working on a new game!Pokemon Renewed From Dust! =D Link on Hub page.. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Swift_falcon240.PokemonSpirit##version=15

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.5 Test Server
Date added: Dec 23 2008
Last updated: Aug 16 2010
Last played: Jun 6 2023
121 fans

Waiting List

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Pokemon Spirit is no longer being updated!!

I have created a new pokemon game called Pokemon Renewed From Dust!

Pokemon Spirit!
Game Creator/Main Admin/Main Coder- Swift_falcon240(Swift)

Highest Rank Admins-
Next Revolution(Revolution)

Regular Rank Admins-
(Subject to change)
lostsoul670,luffy6000(Dark Soul)
Master Blaze1

Hub Icon Artist- Swift_falcon240(Swift)

-Some Admin spots still open-

*MOST Icons made by Gamefreak and Nintendo*

-Banned List-

*Please email me if you wish to explain why you shouldn't be banned.*


IMangekyouI: (Feb 18 2015, 5:01 pm)
If you liked the original game PED, come take a look at PUO which is a brand new and original Pokemon Game coming to Byond. Cart12 and Myself are working together with a few other well known Pokemon players to bring this game to byond (since Pokemon has been in the dark on byond for quite a while). Fan/Favorite the hub and try out the Demo which you can download on the hub!

http://www.byond.com/games/IMangekyouI/ PokemonUniverseOrigins
Furiizaa: (Oct 28 2010, 3:55 am)
Swift_falcon240 wrote:
Hey out there! Im not currently updating this game as I have created a new pokemon game call Pokemon Renewed From Dust!

Please come take a look! Im sure you will like this new game! ;P
Lier! You updated recently x3

Swift_falcon240: (Sep 25 2010, 1:51 pm)
Hey out there! Im not currently updating this game as I have created a new pokemon game call Pokemon Renewed From Dust!

Please come take a look! Im sure you will like this new game! ;P

Danny112: (Sep 29 2009, 3:48 pm)
this game stopped developing?
Swift_falcon240: (Jun 13 2009, 6:46 pm)
Heya people, Its swift here. I was wondering if any of you out there would like to help in the development in Pokemon Spirit! If so, Please email me at [email protected] with your key included.

I would also like to have some GM/Admins who are willing to earn my trust. Please email me with your key or talk to me on the game to apply for a GM position.

Things to note:

I am NOT giving source freely. However, you may use PARTS of the source with credit in the game files of YOUR OWN games.

I currently need people to:
-Make a BIGGER & BETTER map
-Code more Attacks
-Code in Gyms
-Make a NEW/EDITED login screen

I currently have everything organized very well. Looking for files, coding, and editing will be an easy job.

Game developers WILL GET Admin Staus, assuming they are helpful.