Murder Mansion

by SuperSaiyanGokuX
Murder Mansion
Not for the faint of heart... [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://SuperSaiyanGokuX.MurderMansion##version=16

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 2.3
Date added: Jul 22 2003
Last updated: Oct 2 2013
Last played: Mar 12
1131 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

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This murder mystery game has won the hearts of many, and has made a few of them beat a little faster while doing it. Enjoy. But be on your guard; death may lurk around any corner in the


Murder Mansion is sort of like a real-time game of Clue. In the "Classic" game mode, the players take on the roles of people who are stuck together (in a Mansion on a stormy night, on a cruise ship stranded in the ocean, on an overnight train ride, etc. etc.), but one among them is a Murderer!

It is the Murderer's job to kill everyone else (using a variety of weapons picked up from spawners spread around the map), while it is the job of everyone else to find clues to the killer's identity and avoid being a victim long enough to correctly identify and accuse him/her (or perhaps enact some vigilante style justice on their own!).

The game also has several other modes (including the obligatory DeathMatch and CTF)

If you love Murder Mansion, please consider becoming a subscriber to unlock extra content (maps and modes)!

Another update! Fixed some bugs that a previous update introduced (For example, killing the Murderer now properly ends the round!) and added some "glitz" elements.

9/6/13: Murder Mansion now has its own Facebook page! (There's currently nothing on there that you can't see here, but feel free to help spread the word to all of your FB friends!)

8/29/13: Bugfix update 2 released! As usual, please see announcement post on MM Discusson page for details!

8/17/13: Bugfix update released! See upcoming post on MM Discussion page for details.

Murder Mansion is now 10 years old.
Please come celebrate!

This has been a huge update. One of the biggest MM has ever seen. I won't bore you to death with the details here (for that, please see "Update Preview Post" #1-#7 down below/on the Discussion page.

That's how the game looks now, but check out some old screenshots to see how it used to look in its first versions!

Recent Medals

Bot Beater

Earned by Aledisius
Feb 13, 3:03 pm

Classic Win

Earned by Pro_Guy231
Dec 30 2024, 8:23 am


Bonapart: (Apr 10 2022, 8:13 pm)
i'm sure this'll make t1migi very happy, if he's even still around
Link2006: (Apr 10 2022, 5:54 pm)
I've tried to host the old version but it doesn't seem to be publicly joinable from the main page at all, BYOND probably has checks to make sure it only supports the latest version instead? I've not hosted in many years so i have no clue if i'm just doing this wrong.

They're also in DMB format so i have no clue if that changes anything, but here's the mega folder for both versions
Bonapart: (Apr 8 2022, 12:08 am)
this game is honestly too good to let die, if you find a way to upload the files to dropbox or mega or a similar site, do be sure to post it here so that it's not lost to time for all eternity
Link2006: (Apr 2 2022, 10:20 am)
I've been missing the old version as well and decided to look in old byond files from a while ago, turns out i still have an old version dated from 10/31/2006, I have no idea how to share this build nor if this is hostable at all.

Though it does seem to have the "look ahead" camera so this may not be the version you have been looking for?
T1migi: (Nov 14 2021, 12:19 pm)
Every now and then, I think of Murder Mansion, and I remember the times spent playing it in the good old days, and my archivist's soul yearns to once again experience it the way it was back then... And also because the way the "camera" moves now makes me kind of sick. It's likely lost media for the rest of time... But maybe some day it'll turn up?