
by SuperAntx
Take part in an epic battle over a colored piece of cloth.
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://SuperAntx.Decadence##version=10

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.6
Date added: Dec 18 2009
Last updated: Apr 1 2013
Last played: Jun 9 2021
1240 fans

Waiting List

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Recent Medals

Popgun Pulverizer

Earned by Relliksss
Jun 9 2021, 8:27 pm

Popgun Pulverizer

Earned by Cyberlord34
Jul 19 2020, 3:12 am


Naruto 5292: (Nov 10 2023, 8:45 pm) 794913623741956097/1093024551279018044

This discord link contains the host files that are archived for the game. I was able to luckily get the files before the file to the host files stopped working and put them in the archive here for all future BYOND-ers months ago. Forgot to comment so here it is!
Naruto 5292: (Feb 21 2021, 5:06 pm)
Don't worry, I downloaded the files when it was working. I re-uploaded the files. Here is the link for anyone who wants the host files
Kotenok2000: (Feb 18 2021, 12:09 pm)
You just had to say it. two weeks later and the link is dead.
Naruto 5292: (Feb 4 2021, 8:53 pm)
Not sure how many of us are still around but the link for the host files above still works. I'd be interested in playing again. Hoping to find others.
TrippingJM: (Mar 10 2018, 7:23 am)
u have saved out lives