Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Take Rock,Paper,Scissors to the extreme. The zip file will be put on my website within a day or two of 12/29/04.
The Current version is 1.1 Version 1.1 New features are: 1. Fixed the runtime error that came when you challenged yourself. 2. Made some icons better. 3. Made ROCKPAPERSCISSORSCPU a proc and then put the proc in for "if (M.Cpu == 1) RockPaperScissorsCPU()" 4. Added login screen. 5. Added the Rock,Paper,Scissors,Shoot when you challenge someone. 6. Fixed logout bug that keep the mob where it logged out 7. Added escalators to subway place. 8. Added Scoring system Version 1.0 New features are: 1. Added Challenge for challenging others. 2. Verb called ROCKPAPERSCISSORSCPU added for challenging CPU's. 3. Added subway which takes you to another lobby. 4. Fixed the runtime error that came when you challenged 5. Added who verb |
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