Unholy Saga's

by Staticfire666
Unholy Saga's
::Original:: Releasing Soon W/ Updates ::Original:: [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Feb 12 2008
Last updated: Dec 4 2010
Last played: Jul 6 2011
32 fans

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Quick Note:

Temporary race icons on screen shot. I am looking for a Original Pixel artist too icon Races and Non playable characters. GM rewarded for Test and Release. Aiming for no GM needed.


-This line up may change-

-Producer: Unholy Laverent
-Owner: Static
-Coder: Static & Ryuzaki
-Graphics: Static
-Icons: Steva, Static, & Ryuzaki


-Earth: Steva
-Otherworld: T.B.A.
-Namek: T.B.A.
-Freezer: T.B.A.
-Vegeta: T.B.A.
-Yadrat: T.B.A.


I have restarted once again. New base being made. Same idea's, just more thurough. I was planning for years and working non stop. On and off I had plans for this game to have features in it. Well now that I restarted I plan on just releasing the game as a PVP strictly. Then updating all the features I have already coded, into it one by one. Making sure each one is flawless. I feel this time I will be able to get ALOT futher then ever before. Since every time I have restarted. I have gotten further and further. Anyway, Look forward to seeing this game released sooner than expected & be part of it!

Affiliated Games

Dragonball GT: Infinite Realms


Mesalina62: (Oct 27 2010, 4:04 pm)
Staticfire666 wrote:
Wow, Just becuase you see Au, Fly, and Se does not mean its a ripp. That wasnt Techniques tab, That was Power Control, Aura, Fly, and Self Train -.-, I know I know, You could have just switched the categories. Well I didnt, Just deal, If you played my game when I tested(chances are ruined now)(Bann, Coded in), youd know it was original.
Amen, brother!! xD

Starlight Entertainment: (Aug 2 2010, 1:17 pm)
Smoosh wrote:
Looks like Capsule Corp is about to fall off that cliff.

Smoosh: (Aug 2 2010, 10:46 am)
Looks like Capsule Corp is about to fall off that cliff.
Wtrbooger: (Mar 16 2010, 5:22 pm)
Underworld Kid wrote:
Rushnut wrote:
Your point is? Do I really care if the sprites are ripped? Hell no. The programming is new

Doesn't look like it...

This is a demo screen shot. He still needs to get the Original Pixel art done sence he is doing it by himself.

I've seen most of the original game, i have played it before. Al that stuff is gone even the rebirth base it was just for testing
Staticfire666: (Sep 17 2009, 6:50 pm)
And if you read the hub, I went from original too rip too original

I forget if it is, But that screenshot may have been from the rip(Which even then, Was so modified, Only other coders may be able to say what source it was), just for that, Shortly you will see a new Screen Shot up there.