Battle Zone has been reserected! Sadly to say though, there was a small price of.......
One billion dollars to everyplayer everytime they login!!!
Suggestion for version 62 pluss, to decrease resource download size. Go into preferences(in byond), and turn "OFF" sounds(only reduces by 100kb).
Owner: Ss4toby
Iconer: None and Looking
Main Server Host: Gooseheaded
Main Server Host: Ss4toby
Banner: Zog 200
Co-Op Mode - where you fight with other players on your team to kill spawned computers.
Team Mode - where two player teams face each other and see witch team can servive last.
Team Point Match - where you fight other player teams to see witch team can get 50 points(kills) first
Team Flag(Capture The Flag) Mode - where you try to get the flags and collect 50 points quicker than the other team.
DeathMatch Mode - where you fight to the death.
1000 Year War- Fight on a team of players against AI, respawn after death. Game ends once you have completed wave 50.
Fun Mode - Kill rebels as they respawn after a death, Mode never ends. Players respawn after death.
Great News
Co-Op Mode-Well you wont believe it. I FIXED CO-OP MODE!!!!!! And im so happy to have done that.
'version 18'
Reboots - NOW! After every round. NO REBOOTS! simply just restores map.'version 40'
Vehicles - They have been around sence version 10, but i just havnt had the motivation to get them in "ALL" the way, until now. Vehicles usable(just jeep for now).'version 65'
Tank - The tank is now in AND ITS AWSOME!'version 67'
MULTI TILE VEHICLES - Along with the tank, i desided i should go ahead and make multi tile vehicles... :D'version 67'

Tip, Some weapons sell for less then they cost, and others sell for more.