Pokemon Trading Card Game

by Speedro
Pokemon Trading Card Game
Bringing the Trading Card Game you know and love to BYOND! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Speedro.PokemonTradingCardGame##version=2

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Version Beta 2.0.3
Date added: Sep 10 2012
Last updated: Oct 13 2012
Last played: Jun 19 2023
74 fans

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The Pokemon Trading Card game (PTG) has been quite popular for a long time, and it's about time it is brought to BYOND. The duel system is inspired by Kajika's Duel Monsters Online (DMO), where you can watch other people duel live, and let the system handle all the rules, so you don't need to worry about anything but playing the game.

Beta Release

The Pokemon Trading Card Game for BYOND is now in public Beta testing! This means there are likely to be many minor glitches, and the interface and setup of how the game looks is destined to change based on feedback and functionality. Please report anything that seems like an error, including card descriptions, attacks, etc, either via the in-game Bug Report button, or on the forums.

Thanks for helping test and improve the game!

Kaamos' note: One of my main goals is streamlining the interface for accessability and design - Any problems or ideas on how to make your playing as smooth as possible would be greatly appreciated


Fully automated duel system
Point & Click to control everything
Earn in-game coins for dueling
Spend coins on booster packs or specific cards (disabled for Beta testing)
Observe other duels
All cards from the original gameboy Pokemon TCG
Over 200 cards and adding more

Future Features
Hosting benefits: Hosts will be able to moderate and run their server + adding their own GMs and limiting max players.

Tournaments: Hosts and GMs will be able to run tournaments, set up draw size and have entry costs as a prize to the winner.

Cards: Slowly but surely adding more all the time! Usually will be released by generation and set.

Interface: We will be phasing out the testing interfaces for a more streamlined system.

All intellectual property and ideas of the cards belongs to © 2012 Pokémon. ©1995-2012 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. TM, ®, and character names are trademarks of Nintendo.

Speedro (Lead programmer)

Icons and Images:
Kaamos (Lead artist)

Interface Design:
Kaamos (Lead designer)

Garthor - GetClick Lib
Lummox - Smilies+ Lib (Heavily Modified)


Doniu: (Nov 2 2015, 7:35 am)
Hello, I host this game 24/7.
Fan Doniu Host:

And me here:

Also, this is hub for Doniu Host: (in alpha test, still not even read, but in future it will lunch)

If you got any questions, want something from me - PM :-}
*If somone would like to adversite my hosting - feel free to do it.
** Owner of this game/program, you have done a good job.
IMangekyouI: (Feb 18 2015, 5:00 pm)
If you liked the original game PED, come take a look at PUO which is a brand new and original Pokemon Game coming to Byond. Cart12 and Myself are working together with a few other well known Pokemon players to bring this game to byond (since Pokemon has been in the dark on byond for quite a while). Fan/Favorite the hub and try out the Demo which you can download on the hub!

http://www.byond.com/games/IMangekyouI/ PokemonUniverseOrigins
Hero Of War 2011: (Oct 31 2013, 3:40 pm)
im now hosting a online 24/7 server for the pokemon trading card game, i really hope you guys play and have fun, will be looking for moderators soon
Bcrqsb: (Aug 23 2013, 4:28 pm)
Legato_frio: (Aug 12 2013, 10:58 pm)
Hello, I have been playing the game and loving it. The using victory points to buy cards is a good feature. Games need to have some sorta reward system to maintain a good player-base. People who argue that older players will have an advantage to newer players well yes. The NPCs are there so players can train on also if you haven't noticed the loser get points also. By making a goal when players build their dream deck they will be more accomplished.

Also, with help of your friends you can trade for the cards you may need and the lack every card unlocked makes it so you don't have every player running similar decks since some skilled deck builders will shine and then everyone will copy them. I saw it happen on DMO so many times. Keep up the good work on this game love it.