Box Head Online v2

by Speedro
Box Head Online v2
Box Head Online [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Speedro.BoxHead##version=0

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Version 0.1
Date added: Oct 9 2011
Last updated: Nov 10 2011
Last played: Nov 25 2013
3 fans

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Early Alpha Testing has begun!

There is still a lot of work needed with the graphics, and a few minor issues. Please message me if there are any issues.

Nov 10th, 2011

Planned updates for hopefully within the next week include:

-Highscore system, ranking you based on total kill count and wave reached, and perhaps highest kill streak too. This will need to be determined.

-Unlockable medals. These medals will also giving you special permanent perks within the game. For example, after traveling 10,000 tiles over the course of all your play time, unlocking something like a runner's perk, increasing run speed by 20%! There's lots of little perks like these that can be unlocked by mini-tasks preformed throughout playtime. Hopefully we'll be getting a few unlockable medals + perks out with the highscore update!


Speedro: (Nov 10 2011, 5:42 am)
Basic Highscore system + A few unlockable medals hopefully coming before next week.
Speedro: (Nov 10 2011, 5:41 am)
Well since it is a replicate, its kind of expected.
Speedro: (Nov 10 2011, 5:40 am)
Kaigne wrote:
my neck hurts from looking at the base. OWEE!


Kaigne: (Nov 7 2011, 5:14 am)
my neck hurts from looking at the base. OWEE!
Jmurph: (Nov 1 2011, 5:06 am)
Excellent port of the Boxhead games, but as usual, I would have preffered more original art.