Naruto Soul

by Soalik
New Naruto game in development. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jun 26 2008
Last updated: Jun 27 2008
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[Naruto Soul]
Naruto Soul is a new game in development.

[About Naruto Soul]
Naruto Soul is going to be abit like world of warcraft.
There will be questing system where once you finish one quest, another will follow.

When you first create a Character in the world on Naruto Soul. You will be teleported to a [newbie zone] and from there you will have to work your way up into the big city. I will be making it so you can do profession too.

Well that will be all i am revealing so far. You will like it when i get programming to about 43%. Thats when i will be doing Closed Alpha Testing.

[Progress so far for NS] :
Iconning : 5%
Programming: 2%
mapping: 1%
graphics: 50%
Interface: 73%
Interface System: 10%

[Naruto Soul Team]
Soalik /Owner/Pixel Artist/Programmer/Graphics/

Leaf [Newbie] zone is 14% completed
Base movement state is 100% completed
Graphics is 50% comleted
Login system : 5%
Admin system : 1.5%
Tree icon is 100% completed