
by Silk Games
A unique MORPG inspired by the gameplay of classic console RPGs [More]
Version 1.73.4
Date added: Apr 16 2009
Last updated: Oct 30 2024
3494 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

5 Games Live!

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byond:// [[sID:51297997373975] [Public] [PvE] [v1.73.4] | 100% is the Goal]

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byond:// [[sID:916920191573735] [Public] [PvP] [v1.73.4] | Cowgoat]

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byond:// [[sID:9340169295320099] [Public] [PvE] [v1.73.4] | The Time Lords]

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byond:// [[sID:1769791164123469] [Public] [PvE] [v1.73.4] | Curious]

Logged in: 1 player [See list]
byond:// [[sID:479516796461133] [Public] [PvE] [v1.73.4] | RetroMMO]

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NEStalgia is an original MORPG inspired by the glory days of traditional console RPGs. Essentially "Dragon Warrior 3 meets World of Warcraft", NEStalgia is an amalgam of the best generations of RPG gaming.

The latest NEStalgia development news and previews can be found on the Silk Games blog.

See the Version Notes wiki page for documentation of the latest NEStalgia update changes.

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