Bleach: Densetsu Taichous

by Seriphin
Bleach: Densetsu Taichous
Can you defeat and become one of the 13 Densetsu Taichou, or will your name disappear into history as another nobody [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Oct 10 2005
Last updated: Oct 18 2005
Last played: Oct 18 2005
1 fan

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Nut much has been happening in the world of Bleach DT at the moment but I promise things are happening. Only reason its kinda quiet is where i work has got me doing alot of overtime. I promise January work will kick off once again. Also looks like all the staff i had has left so wahhahaha im working on it alone again (All except the mapper I think)

Bleach : DT brings a new level of immersion to the Bleach games. Many challenges await you in the Halls of Soul Society.

-Current Captains-
Division 1 : NPC
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6 : Seriphin (leader, coder, iconist)
Division 7
Division 8
Division 9 : jin150 (Mapper)
Division 10
Division 11 :
Division 12
Division 13

:Mutiple character classes
:Shinigami (Deathgod)

:Every player who opts to be a Shingami will have the chance to become a Captain. But, it is something very hard to achieve

:When you die, depending on your deeds in your life you might become a Hollow. If this happens you can approach a Shingami to send your soul to Heaven and start again or terrorise the Humans on Earth. With each kill on Earth the Hollow grows stronger.

:There will be a huge variety in the equipment you can wear. From captain clothes to Vice captain Armbands, from Regular Shingami Clothing to School Uniform.