101 Hosting

by Seige1010
101 Hosting
101 Hosting is a company Deticated to keeping your game Lag Free and Up [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Jun 29 2003
Last updated: Jul 1 2003
0 fans

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Hello and Im glad youve decided that you would like a Lag free game. Here at 101 hosting we can help you achive that goal. We have two deticated servers that we use. The server has the fastest dsl connection possible. Also Now with Ftp acesse thats right we now have FTP now you can manage the hosting files your self without me having to go re download to use the Ftp you have to download a ftp program I recomend http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/ then talk to me for your user name and password to acesse my comp


Here at 101 hosting we have two types of hosting Free hosting and Payment needed hosting________

Free Hosting

If I host for free I require host verbs in the game
One Game Per Customer, Hosting 24/7 14/7 or 7/7(Changes time to time) most of the time 7/7 with out ftp accses

Hosting by Payment

There are 5 hosting packages
Pakage 1
3$ a week 24/7 Ftp not included

Package 2 7$ a month 24/7 hosting 2 games per customer Ftp not included

Package 3 12$ a month 24/7 hosting qith Ftp

Package 4 15 dollars every 3 months 24/7 hosting 3 games per customer Ftp included

Package 5 20 dollars every 4 months 24/7 hosting 4 games per cutomer Ftp included
Downtime which is rare if you have downtime
1 to 3 hr you will not get anything
4 to 10 hrs you will get a extra 2 weeks of hosting free

10 to 24hrs you will be refunded 50% of your monthly bill More than 24hrs and you will be refunded your whole monthly bill

If you would like to find out more info about 101 Hosting or to request 101 Hosting you can Contact me at [email protected]
Also website coming soon..............