
by ScouSin
It tastes like Pacman! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 175
Date added: Aug 13 2003
Last updated: Sep 24 2004
Last played: Sep 22 2008
3 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Game Status: 6 maps among 4 modes of play.

If you need to contact me, E-mail: [email protected], AIM: ScouSin10, YIM: Scous_In.

(Thanks list on the website.)

The game is best viewed with a high resolution (1024 x 768).

Just Updated:04-9-24: Added a new mode! The Royal Battle. Big thanks to Pyr0master for the mode idea and map. Details will be on the info page. Also changed was chomp notices were shrunken, to reduce lag, and the spectators never show a blank icon when chatting. Some bugs involving relogging were discovered and fixed, as well as some other logout-related bugs that I just figured at the time, or were discovered. As soon as I get the map from ZeroCrash, I plan to implement the mode; King of the Hill, which will be the first free for all mode. Minor details on the forums, as the details of this mode are slightly unclear.

And that's version 1.75!

PS: Important note is that contacting Ninja Brad won't always be immediate, to update the hub. So the version specified may not always be the current version to host.