Dragonball GT Mystic Legends

by Scorpion781
Dragonball GT Mystic Legends
Dragonball GT Mystic Legends [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: May 3 2024
Last updated: May 4 2024
Last played: May 5 2024
1 fan

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

*Game Rules*
1.Respect all players and admins.
2.Do not use profanity.
3.Any language is allowed in OOC
4.Do not spam like crazy.(banned)
5.Do not advertise other games.(boot/bann)
6.If you find a bug, tell me. DO NOT ABUSE(pwipe bann/bann)
7.Do not discredit GM's without proof (screenprint), if you do anyway, make sure you can back the threads up or you'll get banned/booted.
8.No icons that blend in with surroundings or you will be booted.(Do not try to become invisible in any way!)Player Or GMs.
9.Have Fun!!!!

Admin Rules

1. Do not give players items, zenni, radars, etc
2. Do not mute, boot, or bann people for no reason
3. Do not mute/boot players because you are un-happy
4. DO NOT abuse at all, demoted to player or lower admin lvl.
5. Do not tele kill/summon kill
6. Do not go invisble without a good reason.