Bleach Battle Of Destruction

by Sasuke13oo9
live with updates two come [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Feb 9 2010
Last updated: Jan 25 2023
Last played: Mar 22 2023
254 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

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Time Hub Got Updated: jan,25,2023

.::Bleach Battle Of Destruction.::.

Main Owner: Sasuke13oo9


Main Co-Owner:


Head Admin:

Master Admin:



Trial Enforcer:

Host: Sasuke13oo9

1. Do not ask for Gm in game, go on discord and post an application please.
2. Do not keep spamming on OOC, or anytype of chat or you will be banned.
3. Do not ask for edit. There are no edits apart from people who rank the game.
4. Please Do not AFK Train, I might make AFK checks Faster.
5. Please Do not be racist or discriminate people in any way there will be serious punishments if you do so.
6. DO NOT come into the game with a name from the show, I.e. Grimmjow, Ichigo, Byakuya. It is very annoying and just shows your lack of imagination.
7. All players who are boosted may not enter tournaments!!

GM Rules
1. Follow ALL of the Player Rules.
2. Do not abuse powers. Two Complaints on a GM will result in the gm being stripped. Any more complaints and its a ban.
3. Do not abuse announce use it for special and important reasons only.
4. Do not give any Players special treatment like giving them GM room or Special Training for free.
5. Do not Create anything Without my Permission or you will be stripped and banned.
6. If you slack/abuse to much you will be fired no matter the game.

Captain Requirements 500
Squad - Commander 1:
Squad - 2:
Squad - 3:
Squad - 4:
Squad - 5:
Squad - 6:
Squad - 7:
Squad - 8:
Squad - 9:
Squad - 10:
Squad - 11:
Squad - 12:
Squad - 13:

Lieutenant Requirements up to the captain
Squad - 1:
Squad - 2:
Squad - 3:
Squad - 4:
Squad - 5:
Squad - 6:
Squad - 7:
Squad - 8:
Squad - 9:
Squad - 10:
Squad - 11:
Squad - 12:
Squad - 13:

Vaizard Requirements be a shin and get to lvl 700 and talk to shinji 30% chance. ranks are highest lvl base.
Vaizard - Leader:
Vaizard - Co Leader:
Vaizard - 1:
Vaizard - 2:
Vaizard - 3:
Vaizard - 4:
Vaizard - 5:
Vaizard - 6:
Vaizard - 7:
Vaizard - 8:
Vaizard - 9:
Vaizard - 10:

Espada Requirements be the highest lvl
Espada - 1:
Espada - 2:
Espada - 3:
Espada - 4:
Espada - 5:
Espada - 6:
Espada - 7:
Espada - 8:
Espada - 9:
Espada - 10:

Quincy Requirements pick it

Hub Editor -


Sasuke13oo9: (Dec 15 2012, 9:41 pm)
everyone that played my game should join this one for now .. thank u
Sinbad_boy: (Nov 23 2011, 3:36 am)
say i if you want this game to come back!
LegitX: (Aug 5 2011, 4:14 pm)
when will the game be up when i got up again it was down i was like aww come on i wana get on it again its awesome
Koruichi: (May 15 2011, 2:04 pm)
Put game up plx i wanna make a vid of this lol
Parvez12: (Mar 26 2011, 6:18 am)
hello im a pixel artist looking for some work if you want to see my stuff add me on msn [email protected]