Bleach: Dark Lust

by Sansturo
Bleach: Dark Lust

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jan 9 2008
Last updated: Aug 8 2024
Last played: Jun 11 2012
10 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

We are currently hiring coder a host and iconers.

Please email us at [email protected]
P.S If your applying for iconner please add proof of your work in the email.

Owners: Sansturo




Master Admins:



Trial Enforcers:

Updates: Instead of talking to Aizen when your a meno you'll talk to him when your lvl 1000 and a VastoLorde
____________________________________________________________ _______________________________


Captain Requirements= Lvl 25k with mastered shikai and bankai

Squad One:

Squad Two:

Squad Three:

Squad Four:

Squad Five:

Squad Six:

Squad Seven:

Squad Eight:

Squad Nine:

Squad Ten:

Squad Eleven:

Squad Twelve:

Squad Thirteen:


Espada Leader (Aizen):

Espada One:40k

Espada Two:35k

Espada Three:30k

Espada Four:25k

Espada Five:20k

Espada Six:15k

Espada Seven:

Espada Eight:10k

Espada Nine:8k

Espada Ten:5k

Sado Chad Yasutora

Sado Emperor:20k

Sado Ruler:15k

Sado Knight One:10k

Sado Knight Two:8k

Sado Knight Three:5k


Inoue Emperor:20k

Inoue Ruler:15k

Inoue Knight One:10k

Inoue Knight Two:8k

Inoue Knight Three:5k


Vaizard Emperor:

Vaizard Ruler:20k

Vaizard Leader:15k

Vaizard Knight One:10k

Vaizard Knight Two:

Vaizard Knight Three:5k


Quincy Elder: 30k

Quincy Leader:25k

Quincy Knight One:15k

Quincy Knight Two: 10k

Quincy Knight Three: