Death Note: Online

by Sabaku no Kira
Death Note: Online

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Mar 2 2008
Last updated: Jan 18 2021
Last played: Mar 20 2011
1533 fans

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1/8/21 -- WHAT? A ... 2021 update? That's gotta be a joke, right? Nope!

Hi. It's the artist formly known as "K" here, but you can call me "Ryde" now, or if you're really stuck with the "K" letter, "Kyzorai" will do. So much has changed in these last - the hub says 13, but I deleted the first one so I know its been 14 going on 15!! years -- but I still feel an incredible gratefulness for each and every one of you who has ever played this game, and the fact that there have been people who came onto this page in the past year, years, etc., talking about it, wanting it back, or just wanting to reconnect with old friends? Has me super emotional.

You guys -- not BYOND, but the incredible community I am forever blessed to have met -- were the driving force behind my passion to create; to make things for others to enjoy. It is not an exaggeration to say that I, likely 12 years old when you knew me, am now an almost-25 year old who has made his (yes, his! time changes a LOT of things) entire life path based on the feeling I got from bringing together people by creating something that they ended up finding community, friends, and happiness through.

I would love to do that again. I don't know if it'll be through BYOND -- I doubt it, honestly. But I could be convinced otherwise.

If anybody has any desire to help point me in the right direction, rib me on how awful I was as a pre-teen, say hi, or tell me what I should make next and what the heck I should be doing to do things the right way by you -- please feel free to hit me up; you can reach me on discord at ryde#2303 or e-mail at [email protected]; e-mail will be updated soon and a site will be added in the near future to show you guys my current projects so you can see the kinda stuff I can do now.

Thank you so much for being here after so long. DNO community, you were, and are, the absolute fucking best.


Trusty_McCoolGuy: (Apr 4 2023, 6:12 pm)
It still makes me sad to think that this game hasn't been online - and that there hasn't been an update on similar works - for so long. I wish I could make a spiritual successor but I don't have the skills. I miss being able to roleplay with others in such a good community. I think the day that DNO went down, Byond (and the community as a whole) lost something stellar we won't ever get back.
DarkRevan: (Sep 21 2022, 2:15 pm)
Lockem Shoto wrote:
Yeah, it's been a really long time. I remember getting temporarily banned from here and feeling like an eternity had gone by. I got unbanned in the summer of 2010, which was around the last time this game was hosted regularly. It brings a lot of good memories back. I still come back to this hub every now and then for the nostalgia trip. I also try finding the old forums every now and then.

I was a pretty annoying kid, so getting kicked around made me smarter. I'm the boy who couldn't deliver. The egotistic W. Hope your software endeavors are good, Ryde!

I feel ya man, I also still come here from time to time just on the off chance Sabaku no Kira will some day be back, I am almost 30 now, I was a young teenager when I played this.
Lockem Shoto: (Mar 22 2021, 4:03 am)
Yeah, it's been a really long time. I remember getting temporarily banned from here and feeling like an eternity had gone by. I got unbanned in the summer of 2010, which was around the last time this game was hosted regularly. It brings a lot of good memories back. I still come back to this hub every now and then for the nostalgia trip. I also try finding the old forums every now and then.

I was a pretty annoying kid, so getting kicked around made me smarter. I'm the boy who couldn't deliver. The egotistic W. Hope your software endeavors are good, Ryde!
Azeliblehblehbleh: (Aug 1 2014, 12:33 pm)
I sincerely hope that you're still with us, SNK. I've missed DN:O for a long, long time. It may have been flawed, but it was the best RPG on Byond, and the entire Byond community has lowered itself to appalling RP standards since its passing. There are so few places left to go to in order to enjoy a good RPG where you need to think and RP.

If you've decided to scrap it, please, please, please send someone the hosting files so that those of us that still love the original can wallow in nostalgic glee.
Master Bait: (May 4 2014, 5:07 am)
Scyrus123 wrote:
Junieprior wrote:
So you made this this little speech in Aug its Nov now,so are you still working on the game?

dude it's 2013 already

Time sure passes fast.
It's 2014.