Dragonball Hyperactive 2

by Ryuujin
A completely original DBZ RPG, with gameplay unlike any other. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Ryuujin.DragonballHyperactive2##version=0

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 2.0
Date added: Sep 3 2005
Last updated: Sep 4 2005
22 fans

Waiting List

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This is Dragonball Hyperactive 2, a truly innovative and unique Dragon Ball RPG. It has 8 characters to play as, multi-tile mobs, and quests to accomplish. Save files are saved on your own computer.

Please note that I did not create this game, nor do I have access to the source code. I simply want others to enjoy this great game, since the creator and previous hub entry have vanished without a trace. If someone on your server has edited their save file, please add them to your pager ban list.


Phriend: (Oct 17 2013, 9:41 am)
I never did anything to my save file, but it says it was hacked and I lost all my progress? wth?
Spideyrobbie321: (Jun 4 2013, 5:30 pm)
Ryuujin: (Jun 4 2013, 3:44 am)
If you want.
Spideyrobbie321: (Jun 3 2013, 5:27 pm)
Hey can i host?