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Naruto: Xtreme Shinobi Heros |
Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. ![]() Rules: -----------------------[players]----------------------- 1.Do not ask to be a GM.(Apply on Forum) 2.Do not Spam. 3.NO COMPLAINING 4.Respect everyone. 5.Listen to the Rules. 6.Dont make your name the same as the kages and npcs(scroll down to see them) 7.Do not be racist >:( 8.Have fun! -----------------------[GM&Kage Rules]----------------------- 1.Don't take advantage of being a GM. 2.No Teleporting or summon killing players. 3.Dont summon people unless they say so or dicipline reason or somthing private or emergancy dont do it just to piss the player off. 4.Same rules as players. 5.Do Not Abuse. 6.Do not summon NPCs unless you wanna put them back at the exact same place. 7.Don't mute the world unless its nessesary 8.Dont give out free ranks. 9.Do not teleport to Owners,and otehr admins without their consent. ---------------------------------------{Diciplines}--------------------- 1.Warning. 2.Mute for 10 Minutes. 3.Jail for 30 minutes. 4.Boot. 5.Key bann for 1 day. 6.IPban. (If they avoid punishment by relogging or something,or still havent learned there lesson move to next dicipline,GM abusers go from 4 straight to 6) -------------------------{Rank Requirements}-------------- Genin:10 henges an pass Genin test Chunnin:Take Chunnin exam. Jounin:Take Jounin Exam Hunter-Nin:100 Missing Kills and jounin Anbu+:Kage's decision. -----------------------[GMs]----------------------- Owner:</FONT Roughfalcon,Mat Host:Mat Enforcer:Toushirou -----------------------{Kages}----------------------- Mizukage: Feudal Lord: Hoshikage:Open Feudal Lord: Hokage: Feudal Lord Raikage: Feudal Lord: Kazekage: Feudal Lord: Tsuchikage: Feudal Lord: Amekage: Feudal Lord: Kusakage: Feudal Lord: Otokage: Feudal Lord: Sorukage: Feudal Lord: Enukage: Feudal Lord: Tsukikage: Feuadal Lord: Sound Organization Leader: Member: Member: Member: Member: Akatsuki Leader:Pein Co-Leader:Arren91 Member: Member: Member: Member: Member: Member: Member: Member: ______________ Coming Soon! Moon Village(tsuki) 2% Done New mouse pointer(cursor) Done upgraded turfs 80% Done ______________ ![]() Top Site Lists ----------[Important Messages]---------- 1.We are going to wipe so please do not ask for anything,the staff are busy coding and iconning for the next update. |
BYOND Member Extras
Become a BYOND Member to earn extra benefits in this game! |
Byond Members who play get a custom jutsu of their choice,and the rank of chunnin.(You do not need to rank in order to get this bonus).If you want to be a member go here: https://secure.byond.com/ members/?command=member_payment&hub_refer=14c83d0c849ac4 fd |
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