
by Rickoshay
Avoid the platforms when falling through the sky! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.4 Alpha
Date added: Feb 9 2014
Last updated: Sep 3 2022
2 fans
Avoid the platforms when falling through the sky!

My first "original" game, only 5 maps long, game not fully finished and may still be some bugs.

Note: Game is only Alpha still to add some features and anyone willing to provide free Pixel Art please contact me. I can't draw to save my life, dodgy hands. Skin design is also on it's way, don't worry.

Features coming soon:

More advanced levels for difficulty

Scoreboard and Medals.

Special items.


Rickoshay: (Feb 11 2014, 3:19 am)
Version 0.4

Bug Fixes:

1. Special items now spawn correctly after the first Level.

2. Platforms now spawn correctly after the first level.


1. When you retrieve a special item speed up is now faster and doesn't pause for a tenth of a second.
Rickoshay: (Feb 10 2014, 11:14 am)
Version 0.3

Small Updates:

1. Yellow balls aka specials, now provide either slow down or speed up when you get one, instead of just a slow down like previous versions.

2. Press R in game for a quick reboot.

Bug Fix(es):

1. Pressing space no longer calls Cloud procedure (Was a removed feature for testing purposes).