Bleach: Soul Society

by Redlink2212
A BLN rip that strives to be so much more. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.1
Date added: Nov 28 2011
Last updated: Nov 26 2015
Last played: Dec 16 2015
530 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome to Bleach: Soul Society. We're back, and better than ever! More details will be posted at a later date, but we want you guys to know that as the players, you do have a voice in what direction we should take the game in! Our ears our open to any suggestions you may make, but here are a few things to expect as of now:

Dynamic Boss Battles
New classes, and a revamp of some of the older ones-- both mechanically and visually!
Improved combat system
New events

Redlink2212 - Head of Staff
GameMaster85 - Programmer
ManaSoul - Artist

And check out Shinobi Rising, an upcoming ninja-based MMO brought to you by our very own ManaSoul!

Credit for the BLN content goes to Bustercannon and everyone involved in the Bleach: Las Noches/Lost Worlds/Soul Elysium project. Had a good run, and it was sad to see you go.

Recent Medals

On top of the world

Earned by Naruto293
Dec 16 2015, 12:35 am

Child's Play

Earned by Naruto293
Dec 16 2015, 12:35 am


Tantric1: (Dec 12 2017, 11:43 pm)
Hello! Bleach Las Noches is back under a new name, updating frequently. We've been live for about three months.

Come check it out!
Miizinha: (Dec 6 2015, 9:18 am)
make this game up level !!