Naruto: Evolution Revised

by Redagain
Naruto: Evolution Revised
A Naruto Evolution based game, ready to be explored. Come meet new people, make friendships, and choose your fate. Join today! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Apr 16 2014
Last updated: Jun 5 2024
Last played: Jun 17 2024
240 fans

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! Enjoy this adventurous Naruto Evolution game with an amazing community !


Justin20990: (Oct 8 2018, 5:13 pm)
Hey I'm trying to get a version of this game back on its feet Squigs is currently hosting it the games called Naruto: Evolution come play!

- Hubbabubba/Khysarth Justin20990
Weedcashier: (Mar 15 2017, 9:05 pm)
Bruhhhhh where the game at, this was like the best Naruto game and its never up any more. Like bring this shit back, fuck your other games, they're ass anyways.
Carcanox32: (May 28 2016, 2:40 pm)
Why the game his close ? you will reopen or nah ?
Redagain111: (Apr 19 2016, 6:10 pm)
JabMT wrote:
haters are gunna hate i love the game but anyway red wassup with the server game keeps going down message me

Yeah, sorry. My PC been shutting down randomly in the middle of night/day/or whatever the case may be. I'm trying my best to keep it up so the players can have fun!!! The game is back up btw!
Redagain111: (Apr 19 2016, 6:09 pm) --- Come play Naruto Evolution Revised! Fresh Wipe! All Leader Spots open!!! Come join the fun!!!